
The Republic of Indonesia is a vast archipelago defined by its dramatic vistas, vibrant colors, and diverse cultures. This transcontinental country comprises 17,508 islands set in the aqua blue waters of the south Pacific Ocean that contain an underwater playground teaming with an unbelievable array of coral and sea creatures great and small. The inhabitants above water number over 2.3 million people, making Indonesia the fourth most populous nation in the world. Several countries share a land border with Indonesia including Papua New Guinea, East Timor, and Malaysia, and other neighboring nations include Singapore, Australia and the Philippines. This group of countries, with their long political histories are rich and vibrant places to visit, however, due to the political climate of these countries, it is a good idea to keep a keen ear on the latest news about the social and political state of the country before you visit. This data is readily available to travelers, and can be obtained by checking the local consular information, and monitoring any developments in your chosen destination country.

Straddling the equator, Indonesia tends to have a fairly even climate year-round, with no extremes of winter and summer. Rather than the four seasons of North America and Europe, Indonesia has two - wet and dry. In most parts of Indonesia, the wet season falls between October and April (these months are also known as the low season), and the dry season between May and September (or the high season). Rain tends to come in sudden and short lived tropical downpours, but it can also rain nonstop for days on end. Researching the climate of your chosen Indonesian destination is a crucial part of your trip planning - not only in terms of what time of year you arrive, but also where exactly you plan to visit. With over seventeen thousand islands to explore, there is sure to be a variation in weather, sea conditions and other environmental factors to take into account. In some parts of the country, the difference between the seasons is slight: the dry season just seems to be slightly hotter and slightly drier than the wet season. In other areas, the differences are very pronounced, with droughts in the dry season and floods in the wet. The elevation and exact location of any given destination will play a part in the ranges of climate, and determining what the forecast is before you go is essential.

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One of the best reasons for travel is to celebrate an achievement or mile stone in your life. Perhaps you just landed your dream job with a real estate firm, or landed the big online deal; whatever the reason for your celebration, a trip to Indonesia will certainly mark the event for life. And certainly, people from all walks of life can find something to thrill them in this stimulating setting - whether you live in a high rise or a condominium, whether you make your living producing Hardcore Punk or working in a factory, this journey will help you fill your senses with delight, and cause you to decorate with words the world around you.

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